Increase your marine dealership’s efficiency and profitability, while delivering a best-in-class customer experience.
Gain real-time visibility across your entire dealership operation to uncover hidden trends and identify opportunities for growth.

Monitor Dealership Profitability

Analyze departmentalized dealership software statements to instantly see profits or losses at your dealership.

Track Performance
in Real-Time

Keep all your data in one place. See how marketing impacts sales, how sales impacts service, how service impacts finance, and everything in between.

Automate Reporting

With the click of a button, run customized reports specific to each department on a daily, weekly, monthly or annual basis.

Find out how <strong>IDS Reporting</strong> technology can help you effectively manage and improve your dealership.

Find out how IDS Reporting technology can help you effectively manage and improve your dealership.

Take the Online Product Tour

A solution for every member


Know how your dealership is doing in real-time, so you can have peace of mind.

General Manager

Keep an eye on the bottom line and measure profitability accurately.